Correct Solution of Assignment No. 03 Semester: Spring 2021 Software Engineering-1 (CS504)

 Here is the correct Solution for Assignment No. 03 Semester: Spring 2021 Software Engineering-1 (CS504).

Correct Solution of Assignment No. 03 Semester: Spring 2021 Software Engineering-1 (CS504)


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Question No. 1: (6 Marks)

Identify the suitable design pattern for each real-world/example application.

Real-world/Example Application

Design Pattern

Print Spooler

Singleton pattern

Oven’s Preprogrammed Switches Interface

Façade pattern

Weather Alert App

Observer pattern


Question No. 2: (4 Marks)

Identify the most appropriate architectural style for each example application system.




Application Systems

Architectural Styles

Operating System

Layered Architecture


Data Flow or Pipes and filters architecture



Question No. 3: (10 Marks)

The following table contains some code statements in C++, which are not in the proper coding convention. Make the code statements self-documented by following the naming convention and best programming practices given in the course contents. Write your answer in the 2nd column of the table in the respective row.  


Code Statements without proper coding conventions

Code Statements with proper coding conventions

float sum = .25;

//declaring a float variable

float sum = 0.25;

string bookname;

//declaring a string variable for book name

string bookName;

if (isEven) printEven(); //conditional statement

If (isEven)


floatValue = intValue
//type casting

floatValue = (float) intValue;

double speed = 0; 
  //declaring a double variable

double speed = 0.0;


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