C++ program Reverse a Number using Array

C++ program  Reverse a Number using Array :

C++ Programs:

C++ program  Reverse a Number using Array,c language online,c++ code,c++ program,C++ Project,computer programming,computer science,dev c++, cpp

Source Code:

/*  iostream provides basic
input and output services for C++ programs */ 
using namespace std;
int main()
// Th execution of program start with the main function
{ // arr is array
int num, rem, arr[10], i=0, tot=0;
//Variable Declarations specify the type followed by the name
//Initialization is the process of assign the value to a variable     
cout<<"Enter the Number: ";
// cout is used to display the same statement in the output.    
// cin is used to enter the value by the user.    
/*The while loop is used to repeat a 
section of code an unknown number of
times until a specific condition is met*/      
    rem = num%10;
    arr[i] = rem;
    num = num/10;
    cout<<"\nReverse Number = ";
/* A "For" Loop is used to repeat a specific
 block of code a known number of times*/   
    for(i=0; i<tot; i++)
    return 0;

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